Thursday, September 15, 2011

What happens when you're not looking....

Where do I begin?

Okay.  Tuesday SUCKED.  

I was scheduled for a doctor's appointment....showed up, packing a migraine that felt like it was trying to pry itself out of my head.  Lucky for me, my previous doctor through Tri-Care refused to give me migraine meds (even though I'd be diagnosed with migraines for the past almost 10 years.).  So my new doctor was seeing me that day.  I had cold sweats, a fever, couldn't barely keep my eyes open because of the fluorescent lighting, the echoing in my head, the whole nine yards.  She immediately gave me medication and sent me on my way.  Tuesday was mainly spent cuddled up on the couch with my Roo, under a blanket, with the fans turned on really high, and the lights off and curtains closed.  I was miserable.  Took about a 4 hour nap, picked up Cailin from school, and did the same thing all over again....except it was now with a restless 4 yr old and a 75 lb dog that wanted to play....not lay on the couch and vedge.  Whatever, I dealt with it.  That's what I had to do.   Went to be super early, passed out.  


Wednesday SUCKED bad.  

Was scheduled to work from 7:30-5:30.  Luckily my co-worker Julie took the last hour of my shift so I didn't have to stay that late at work....but once I got into work at 7:30 am, after dropping Cailin off at school, things didn't seem right in my head.  The room was spinning, I felt like I was going to throw up every ten minutes, and I'd run to the bathroom waiting for it, and nothing.  Just spinning.  Then...the pain kicked in.  My migraine gave me a short break on Tuesday, and decided to return, flashing me the finger, on Wednesday morning.  I couldn't work the rest of the day, so I checked out early and went straight home.  Fell asleep under two blankets and my 75 lb dog, for the next 4 1/2 hours.  I would've slept longer if I hadn't sent an alarm to go pick up Cailin at school.  Woke up and felt fine, just groggy and a little out of it....drank some water and took off to get my booger at school.  When we came was like reliving Wednesday evening all over again. I was tired, physically weak and drained, and all I wanted to do was lay down.  So I told Cailin, "Mommy is going to lay down on the couch and watch tv.  You go play with your toys, but if you see Mommy sleeping, please wake her up. okay?"  Cailin smiled and said "OKAY!"  I didn't think I'd fall asleep..........but, sure enough, I did. 

I was only out for MAYBE 3 minutes.  

I woke up to the sound of my dog licking himself.  He's a 75 lb pitbull mastiff mix.  He makes LOUD noises when he's drinking, eating, licking, sneezing, snoring, breathing.....etc.  He woke me up to the disgusting sound of him licking himself.  

So in my groggy haze, I sit up and look at him.  He looked like the happiest dog on the face of the planet.  

I look to his left, and there's Cailin with a roll of paper towels, on all fours on the floor, trying to clean something up.  

"What are you doing baby?"  

The look on her face screamed, Oh shit.


"Don't say nothing, Cailin. What are you doing? What happened?"

"Nuffing mommy!"

I stood up and examined the damage.  My daughter had spilled her entire Trix yogurt (bright red and hot pink yogurt, btw) all over my carpet and my dog.  She was attempting to clean up the carpet while the dog was enjoying cleaning himself up.  

All this happened in the 3 minute blink I took.  

If I hadn't been so out of it, and so groggy in the moment, I would've laughed and taken a picture to post on here.  I was not in my right mind, and completely skipped that part.  

Cailin saw my confusion for a moment, and picked up her spoon (still covered in red/pink yogurt) and said, "Look mommy!  I'm painting Tango!"  and proceeded to rub and fling the spoon full of yogurt onto my white dog.  "He likes it mommy! Look he's so pretty!"

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

The carpet cleaned up fine....Tango-Roo, however?   He's white.  He stained.  Half a box of baby wipes later, and he looked semi-clean.  But he was a happy dog.  Who wouldn't be after licking all that yummy Trix-goodness off themselves?

Sucked to be him though.  He got to tag along at work with me today, so he could get a bath and I could really get him clean.   Tango does NOT like baths.  He especially doesn't like coming to my work and seeing me play with other dogs.  It makes him extremely jealous, but then he makes up for it by giving me lots of kisses when we get home.  Awwww, love/hate.  

And THIS is what happens when you let your guards down for just a minute.....the kid might get into some wonderfully colored yogurt, the dog might have an amazing snack (along with some horrible godawful gas later), and you might just have a story to post.  That was a crazy 48 hours to experience.  Let's hope that doesn't happen again anytime soon.