Sunday, September 11, 2011


If you asked me what I did yesterday, I would have to stop, think a minute, and get back to you on that answer.  If you asked me what I was doing on 9/11/2001, I can tell you everything in very graphic detail. 

  I woke up that morning, a senior in high school, ready to start my day.  Showered, dressed, kissed my mom goodbye, hopped in the car and drove to my friend Kasia's house to pick her up on my way to school.  I remember my mom not really responding like she normally does to me saying goodbye to her in the morning....she almost seemed too quiet, but I assumed there was something on the television she was watching that had hooked her attention.  I shrugged it off and went on my way.  Turned on the radio in my car, and all I heard was the radio-newscaster's shaky voice stating "Someone has bombed the World Trade Center."  The rest was very staticky, and I kept trying to change radio stations to see if anyone else was broadcasting the same news.  

Not one radio station was playing music.  

I heard different stories via the radio: "Someone bombed the World Trade Center."  "They think they've planted a bomb at the Empire State Building."  "Evacuating the White House ASAP."  etc.  

I paged my then-boyfriend Brian, with "319-911"  (319 was code for me)  He called me on my cell phone and all I could get out was "I think someone bombed a building in New York.  It's really bad....Look at the news for me, I'm on my way to school." 

Picked up Kasia, and it was a very silent ride for both of us to school-all that was on the radio were these airings of speculation of what was happening.  Once we parked, I ran into the lunch area where the lockers and tv's were above the lunch tables.  I remember thinking in the back of my head, "Crap, I have to get to class....running late!"but once I made it to the lunch area, nearly a 1/4 of the school was crowded on top of tables trying to get a better look at the news.  The bell rang to signal us to all go to our homerooms.  Nobody seemed to hear it.  I then knew, that it was worse than a bombing.  Something was just not right. 

When I finally made it to my homeroom, the teacher had the news on the tv in the classroom.  It was silent.  Someone in my class was crying and excused herself.  I couldn't believe with my eyes what I was seeing.  Two planes had crashed into the World Trade Center in NYC, and the first tower had just fallen.   The only thing running through my head was, "Oh. My. God. the people....."  We were excused early from school....I went home, and spent the rest of the day watching the news with my was surreal.  I even remember how hard it was for me to sleep that night after seeing all the images on tv.

Every anniversary of 9-11, I say a prayer for all those innocent lives that were lost.  I say a prayer for all those who signed up for the military the day after it happened.  I say a prayer for the families, the children, the parents, of everyone that perished that day.  The terrorists may have struck us in the heart that fateful day....but we are a resiliant nation.  We fought back.  This is a war that can never be won-we are not winners.  We are fighters.  That day, the terrorists thought this would crush our country....and they were right about one thing.  It did hurt us, it did crush us.... but they were wrong thinking it would defeat us.  They had no idea that day would gather us together as ONE nation united to fight against the violence that impaired our country.  

10 years later...and we still remember. 

To the families and friends of all that perished that horrific day.....
our deepest condolences for your losses.
May you find the strength to carry on, while keeping the memories
of your loved ones in your hearts.  May one day, 
you find peace.

You have our complete assurance:
We Will Never Forget. 

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