Friday, April 22, 2011

Freaky Friday

Today's my day off and I'm planning on spending it productively.  Got up this morning bright and early, woke my baby girl up since she didn't have school today because it's Good Friday, got ourselves ready after breakfast and got OUT of the house.  Ran some errands (bank, groceries, etc), and then made our way to Downtown Pacific Beach.  There's an awesome store down there called Pangea, it has everything you can THINK of.  Can I just say how proud I am that I have a kid who won't touch things in stores, knock stuff over, run amuck?  I'm SO proud.  All I have to tell her is "Baby, just stay close to mommy and don't touch anything please."  and she's following me around like my shadow, gawking at all the pretty little things we see.  After Pangea, we were both hungry, so since it was our "Mommy/Daughter Day Out" I took her to McDonald's for some chicken nuggets (Filet o' Fish for me), and a strawberry lemonade, then made our way home.  I'm thinking of spending the rest of the day doing laundry (yuck), washing dishes (even more Yuck), putting something out for dinner, and then relaxing catching up on some dvr'd shows and playing some COD.  Yes, I'm a nerd.  Bite me. 

Here's how my week went:

The Positives:
+Got my paycheck. Woot!
+Lots of hours at work. Puppies puppies puppies!
+Started this blog, and have kept up with it so far.
+Making some kick ass Carrot Cake cookies for Easter Sunday at my parents.
+Looking forward to spending Easter with my family again this year!
+Feeling more positive everyday.  This is a difficult task for me!

The Negatives:
-Cailin having an ear infection. Dealing with a sick and whiney 3 year old=not fun.
-Spent a quarter of my paycheck already.  Booo.
-Not enough sleep.  Enough said.
-Awkward learning how to fill my tires up with air.  Yes, I'm THAT much of a girl.
-Got scratched on my throat by a cat at work.  

My week's playlist:

1. Rolling in the Deep - Adele
2. Good People - Jack Johnson
3. Price Tag - Jessie J
4.  The Cave - Mumford and Sons
5. Fidelity - Regina Spektor
6.  This - Darius Rucker
7. Stupid Boy - Sarah Buxton
8. Daisy Cutter - 311
9.  What the Hell - Avril Lavigne
10.  Say - John Mayer

I listen to a variety of stuff, (as noted above), and anyone who listens to one of my mixed cds usually tells me it's the MOST random cd they've ever heard.  Meh.  I don't like to limit myself to just one band, or one genre of music.  I like listening to almost everything, and I usually find something to relate to in every song on my IPod.  This just happens to be this week's favorite songs for me…old and new. 

What's up with this weather, so-cal?  It goes from being freakin' frigid, to the sun showing it's face and warmth for a couple of days, then back to cold chilly weather.  Enough of the bipolarness, weather!  Give us some freakin' sun and heat! It's almost summer, for God's sake.  I want to be able to lay out in my baby pool in the backyard with a daiquiri in my hand.  No, seriously. 

Overall, I'm just glad this week is over.  Tomorrow I work all day (yeah, boo to work on a Saturday, but I need the hours), but Sunday morning we're driving up to my family's house in Orange County.  Looking forward to that.  So with that, I'm signing off for now.  

Much Love,

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