Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a reminder....

Just a reminder:  Choose a job/career that you love.
It may not be permanent, and it may be a stepping stone
to a better job/career, but make the best of it regardless.
We only have one life to live. 
So Live It.

Monday, August 29, 2011

And I'm Back!

So a lot has happened in the last few months.  I won't go into details, so don't bother asking.  Just know that life threw me a lot of curveballs lately, and I have been rolling with the punches as best as I know how.  I've been told I'm a strong woman, and that I can handle this....just wish my mind and body would catch up to other people's expectations of me.

::::::What you've missed in the last 4 months:::::


*I am now a full-time working mom.
*I've lost 25 lbs and can now fit into clothes I put in my "sentimental" pile of junk that I just didn't want to let go of.
*Cailin turned a whopping 4 years old! (going on 21....)
*I'm learning how to be independent-finally-at the age of 27.  Scary thought.
*I'm tossing out the garbage in my life....this goes for physical and mental and emotional garbage.


*Being a full-time working single mom has completely drained me physically, yet I still find a sliver of hope to hold onto for a brighter future for my daughter and I.
*The statement above is the main reason I've lost the 25 lbs. In 2 months.
*Learning how to be independent is a LOT harder the older you get - Lesson Learned.
*Making new friends is ALSO harder, the older you get.  I'm thinking it's a lost cause for the time being.
*My summer has completely flown by.  I've only been down to the pool twice. That's not normal for me.

I've decided to come back to this because it was something I started months ago, and I'm notorious for starting something and not completing it, or following through.  I'm a different person now, and I want to actually follow through on something I started....so, painful or not, having time or not, I will MAKE time to post something on here often.  Even if it's just a picture I took that inspired me, or something that made my day.

Today was Cailin's first day of "real" preschool.  The morning started out a bit like this....

Tango-Roo nudged Cailin's bedroom door with his nose,
realized the door creaked, so he just laid down
and waited like this for about 15 minutes,
until I decided to wake up the sleeping monster.

This was taken shortly after I woke her up.
Tango's face screams, "Why Did You Do That MOM!"
Cailin just looks confused that it's still dark outside.
My house is a zoo.

Shortly after, dressed and hair's brushed-
My boogerbutt is ready for her first
day of preschool. 

Her first day went fairly well...her teachers told me she missed me.  But what kid doesn't miss their parents on the first day back at school?  Okay, maybe a 12 year old.... but to know that my little girl missed me made me smile....because I sure as hell missed her while I was at work all day.  At least we're on the same page.  Now if I could get her on my sleeping schedule.....we'd be all set!  

Speaking of sleeping....it's way past MY bedtime.  Waking up at 4:45am everyday and not getting a nap in, really does a toll on your body.  If it doesn't, you're crazy.  Just sayin.

Until next time.....